Manoel Gomes [Parents] was born in 1632/1637 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Ana Fernandes on 7 Feb 1657 in Igreja de São Roque.
Ana Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1634/1637 in Lombo de São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Manoel Gomes on 7 Feb 1657 in Igreja de São Roque.
Domingos Rodrigues [Parents] was born in 1641/1646 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Inácia Fernandes on 16 May 1666 in Igreja de São Roque.
Inácia Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1644/1646 in Lombo de São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Domingos Rodrigues on 16 May 1666 in Igreja de São Roque.
Antonio Rodrigues died before 1666 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Inácia Fernandes.
Inácia Fernandes died before 1666 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Antonio Rodrigues.
They had the following children:
M i Domingos Rodrigues
Antonio Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1650/1655 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Jorge on 18 Aug 1675 in Igreja de São Roque.
Maria Jorge [Parents] was born in 1648 in Lombo de São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 17 Apr 1648 in Igreja de São Roque. She married Antonio Fernandes on 18 Aug 1675 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em os dezasete dias do mês de abril de mil seis centos e coarenta e oito eu Francisco de Gouvea (...) vig(a)r(i)o da igreja de Santo Antonio com licença do vigario desta igr(ej)a de Saõ Roque P(edr)o Alvares P(erei)ra baptizou a MARIA filha de MANOEL FERNANDES, e de MARIA FERNANDES sua mulher moradores nesta freguezia foy padrinho Antonio Gomes, que comigo asinou este termo no mes dia ut s(upra). O cura Fran(cis)co de Gouvea. Do padrinho Antonio X Gomes.
Antonio Fernandes died before 1675 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Fernandes.
Maria Fernandes died before 1675 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Antonio Fernandes.
They had the following children:
M i Antonio Fernandes
Inácio Gomes [Parents] was born in 1631/1636 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Fernandes on 21 Feb 1656 in Igreja de São Roque.
Maria Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1641 in Sítio da Fundoa em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 17 Mar 1641 in Igreja de São Roque. She married Inácio Gomes on 21 Feb 1656 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em desasete do mês de marsso de mil e seis centos 41 bautizei eu Jeronimo da Silva de Sousa vigario de S(aõ) Roque a M(ARI)A filha de M(ANO)EL F(E)R(NANDE)S e de sua legitima molher M(ARI)A RODRIGUES e foy padrinho J(ao)õ de Batancor (...) e q(ue) assinou comiguo (...) e mez e era assima desta // Jeronymo da Silva de Sousa. Joaõ de Bettencourt
Domingos Rodrigues [Parents] was born in 1641/1646 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Inácia Fernandes on 16 May 1666 in Igreja de São Roque.
Inácia Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1641/1646 in Sítio da Fundoa em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Domingos Rodrigues on 16 May 1666 in Igreja de São Roque.
Antonio Rodrigues died before 1666 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Gonçalves.
Maria Gonçalves died after 1666 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Antonio Rodrigues.
They had the following children:
M i Domingos Rodrigues
Pascoal Martins [Parents] was born in 1647 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 23 Apr 1647 in Igreja de São Roque. He died in Mar 1697 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Isabel Gonçalves on 6 Feb 1675 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em os vinte e tres dias do mes de abril de mil seis centos e quarenta e sete annos eu o p(adr)e M(ano)el G(onça)l(ve)s vig(a)r(i)o nesta igr(ej)a de S(aõ) Roque baptizei a PASCOAL f(ilh)o de BASTIÃO M(ART)I(N)S e de M(ARI)A G(ONÇA)L(VE)S sua m(ulhe)r foy padrinho Joaõ M(art)i(n)s e por verdade fiz este termo que assinou hoje dia, mes, e anno ut supra. O vig(a)r(i)o M(ano)el G(onça)l(ve)s. Joam M(art)i(n)s.
Isabel Gonçalves [Parents] was born in 1650/1655 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Pascoal Martins on 6 Feb 1675 in Igreja de São Roque.
Amaro Luís died before 1675 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Isabel Gonçalves.
Isabel Gonçalves died after 1675 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Amaro Luís.
They had the following children:
F i Isabel Gonçalves