João Gonçalves was born in 1574/1579 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died after 1637 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Gonçalves in 1599 in Igreja de São Roque.
Maria Gonçalves was born in 1574/1579 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died after 1637 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married João Gonçalves in 1599 in Igreja de São Roque.
They had the following children:
M i Pedro Gonçalves
NNN Gonçalves died after 1637 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married CATARINA Gonçalves.
Cinco casais poderiam ter sido os pais de Maria Gonçalves: Gapar Gonçalves e Catarina Vaz (oo1597); Pedro Gonçalves e Catarina Gonçalves (oo1613); Domingos Gonçalves e Catarina Gonçalves (oo1613); Pedro Gonçalves e Catarina Rodrigues; e Francisco Gonçalves e Catarina Gonçalves.
CATARINA Gonçalves died after 1637 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married NNN Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Gonçalves
ÁLVARO Fernandes was born in 1590/1600 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He died on 6 Jun 1631 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married BÁRBARA Fernandes in Feb 1625 in Igreja de São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f29v)# Em ... fevereiro de 1625, ÁLVARO FERNANDES (...) .... com [BÁRBARA FERNANDES], mulher que foi de Pedro Gonçalves. Tes(temunh)as Luiz de Melo e .... . O vig(a)r(i)o Jeronimo da Silva.
Óbito # Em 6 de junho de 1631, ÁLVARO FERNANDES. O vig(a)r(i)o Silva.
BÁRBARA Fernandes was born in Feb 1625 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died on 22 Dec 1661 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married ÁLVARO Fernandes in Feb 1625 in Igreja de São Roque.
Other marriages:Gonçalves, Pedro
Óbito # Em 22 de dezembro de 1661 faleceu BÁRBARA FERNANDES, viuva. O vig(a)r(i)o Pereira.
They had the following children:
M i PEDRO Fernandes
Pedro Gonçalves died on 8 Sep 1624 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married BÁRBARA Fernandes.
BÁRBARA Fernandes was born in Feb 1625 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died on 22 Dec 1661 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Pedro Gonçalves.
Other marriages:Fernandes, ÁLVARO
Óbito # Em 22 de dezembro de 1661 faleceu BÁRBARA FERNANDES, viuva. O vig(a)r(i)o Pereira.
Belchior Gomes da Alegria [Parents] was born in 1624/1629 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Isabel Gomes on 11 Feb 1649 in Ermida de Nossa Senhora da Alegria em São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f3):
Em 11 de fevereiro de 1649, BELCHIOR GOMES, filho de PEDRO FERNANDES e de DOMINGAS GOMES, com ISABEL GOMES, filha de BRAS GONSALVES e de JOANA GOMES, na Ermida de N(oss)a S(enhor)a da Alegria. Foram padrinhos Manuel Francisco e Francisco Gomes.
Isabel Gomes [Parents] was born in 1619 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 11 Nov 1619 in Igreja de São Roque. She married Belchior Gomes da Alegria on 11 Feb 1649 in Ermida de Nossa Senhora da Alegria em São Roque.
Batismo # Em 11 de novembro de 1619, IZABEL, filha de BRAZ G(ONÇA)L(VE)S e de JOANA GOMES. Padrinho Antonio P(erei)ra (?). O vig(a)r(i)o Lopes
They had the following children:
Pedro Fernandes died after 1649 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Domingas Gomes.
Domingas Gomes died after 1649 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Pedro Fernandes.
They had the following children:
M i Belchior Gomes da Alegria
Jacinto Gomes [Parents] was born in 1627 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 13 Oct 1627 in Igreja de São Roque. He married Inácia de Oliveira on 12 Feb 1654 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em 13 de outubro de 1627, JACINTO, f(ilh)o de BRAZ G(ONÇA)L(VE)S. Padrinho Antonio Ferreira seu avo (?) e Ursula Mendes. O vig(a)r(i)o Jeronimo da Silva.
Inácia de Oliveira [Parents] was born in 1629/1634 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Jacinto Gomes on 12 Feb 1654 in Igreja de São Roque.
Francisco Gonçalves died after 1654 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria de Oliveira.
Maria de Oliveira died after 1654 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Francisco Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i Inácia de Oliveira
Manoel Gomes [Parents] was born in 1618 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 30 Apr 1618 in Igreja de São Roque. He married Maria Correia de Cairos on 30 Oct 1641 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em 30 de abril de 1618, MANUEL, f(ilh)o de BRAZ GONÇALVES e de JOANA GOMES. Padrinho Manuel Fernandes. O vig(a)r(i)o Lopes.
Maria Correia de Cairos [Parents] was born in 1616/1621 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Manoel Gomes on 30 Oct 1641 in Igreja de São Roque.
João de Lamego died on 1 Mar 1634 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Ana Correia.
Ana Correia died after 1641 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married João de Lamego.
They had the following children:
F i Maria Correia de Cairos