FRANCISCO Gonçalves was born about 1565 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died after 1616 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married MARIA Salgado about 1590 in Igreja de São Roque.
MARIA Salgado [Parents] was born in 1568/1570 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died on 12 May 1622 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married FRANCISCO Gonçalves about 1590 in Igreja de São Roque.
Pode ser filha de Rafael Salgado.
Óbito # Em 12 de maio de 1622, MARIA SALGADA. O vig(ari)o Lopes.
They had the following children:
F i Margarida Gonçalves M ii SEBASTIÃO Gomes
Pedro Gonçalves [Parents] was born in 1589 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 21 Sep 1589 in Igreja de São Roque. He married Margarida Gonçalves on 12 Oct 1616 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em 21 de setembro de 1589, PEDRO, f(ilh)o de BELCHIOR GONÇALVES e CATARINA FERNANDES. Padrinhos Pedro Gonçalves de Negro e Helena Rodrigues. O vig(ari)o Lopes.
Margarida Gonçalves [Parents] was born in 1591/1596 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Pedro Gonçalves on 12 Oct 1616 in Igreja de São Roque.
Francisco Gomes [Parents] was born in 1603/1608 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He died before 1665 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Catarina Fernandes on 30 Jan 1628 in Igreja de São Roque.
Catarina Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1603/1608 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died after 1665 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Francisco Gomes on 30 Jan 1628 in Igreja de São Roque.
They had the following children:
M i Inácio Gomes M ii Manoel Gomes M iii José Gomes
Manoel Gomes died after 1628 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Ana Fernandes.
Ana Fernandes died after 1628 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Manoel Gomes.
They had the following children:
M i Francisco Gomes
SEBASTIÃO Gomes [Parents] was born in 1605/1610 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He died on 18 Dec 1666 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married MARIA Gonçalves in Jan 1630 in Igreja de São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f31) # Em ... de janeiro de 1630, SEBASTIÃO GOMES, f(ilh)o de FRANCISCO GONÇALVES e de sua mulher MARIA SALGADA, com MARIA GONÇALVES f(ilh)a de BELCHIOR GONÇALVES, defunto, e de sua mulher [CATARINA FERNANDES]. Padrinho, Luiz de Melo, Sebastião Gonçalves. O vigário Jeronimo da Silva.
Óbito # Em 18 de dezembro de 1666, faleceu SEBASTIAÕ GOMES. O vig(a)r(i)o Pereira.
MARIA Gonçalves [Parents] was born in 1605/1610 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died after 1650 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married SEBASTIÃO Gomes in Jan 1630 in Igreja de São Roque.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Gomes F ii Luzia Gomes was born in 1635 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She was christened in Oct 1635 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em ... de outubro de 1635, LUZIA, f(ilh)a de SEBASTIAÕ [GOMES] e de MARIA GONÇALVES. Padrinho, Francisco Ferraz e madrinha Luzia Gonçalves, f(ilh)a de Pedro Gonçalves, do Canavial. Valdavesso.M iii Joana Gomes was born in 1641 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 11 Feb 1641 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em onze dias do mes de fevereiro de mil seis centos he coarenta he hum annos bautizei eu Jeronimo da Silva de Souza, JOANNA, filha de SEBASTIAM GUOMES e de sua legitima molher, M(ARI)A G(ONÇA)L(VE)S he foy padrinho M(ano)el F(errei)ra he asinou comigo no dia he mez he ano assima dito. Jeronimo da Silva de Souza.M iv Manoel Gomes F v Inácia Gomes
JOÃO Gonçalves died after 1597 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married ISABEL Fernandes.
ISABEL Fernandes died after 1597 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married JOÃO Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
M i JOÃO Gonçalves F ii GUIOMAR Gonçalves M iii Felipe Gonçalves
NNN Fernandes died after 1597 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married ISABEL Gonçalves.
ISABEL Gonçalves died after 1597 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married NNN Fernandes.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Fernandes
MANOEL Gonçalves da Ribeira [Parents] was born in 1572/1577 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He died in Jan 1630 in Ribeira em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married GUIOMAR Gonçalves on 20 May 1597 in Igreja de São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f23v): (*)
Em 20 de maio de 1597, MANUEL GONÇALVES, f(ilh)o de GONÇALO GONÇALVES e de ANA REBOUÇAS (?) com GUIOMAR GONÇALVES, f(ilh)a de JOÃO GONÇALVES e de ISABEL FERNANDES. Test(emunh)as Francisco Pacheco Tavares, Fernão Nunes Furtado, Manuel Afonso Varela, Francisco Rodrigues. O vig(a)r(i)o Ant(oni)o Lopes.
Em ... janeiro de 1630, MANUEL GONÇALVES, da Ri(beira).
(*) Nota: A única Ana Rebouças que viveu em São Roque no século XVI/XVII foi casada com Pedro Gonçalves. Já Gonçalo Gonçalves foi casado com Ana Gomes. Como, na cópia manuscrita deste registro, o pároco colocou um sinal de interrogação depois do Rebouças, deduzo que se trata de Ana Gomes.
GUIOMAR Gonçalves [Parents] was born in 1574/1579 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died in 1635/1638 in Ribeira em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married MANOEL Gonçalves da Ribeira on 20 May 1597 in Igreja de São Roque.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Gonçalves M ii Pedro Gonçalves M iii Antonio Gonçalves was born in 1612 in Ribeira em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 2 Aug 1612 in Igreja de São Roque.
Em 2 de agôsto de 1612, ANTÓNIO, f(ilh)o de MANUEL GONÇALVES a GUIOMAR GONÇALVES. Padrinho o cónego Ambrozio Riscado. O vig(a)r(i)o Lopes.F iv Luiza Gonçalves was born in 1615 in Ribeira em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 30 Apr 1615 in Igreja de São Roque. She died in 1615 in Ribeira em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal.
Em 30 de abril de 1615, LUZIA, f(ilh)a de MANUEL GONÇALVES a GUIOMAR [GONÇALVES]. Padrinho João Gonçalves.F v Luiza Gonçalves was born in 1616 in Ribeira em São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 1 Dec 1616 in Igreja de São Roque.
Em 1 de dezembro de 1616, LUZIA, f(ilh)a de MANUEL GONÇALVES a GUIOMAR GONÇALVES. Padrinho Manuel Gomes. O vig(a)r(i)o Lopes.
GONÇALO Gonçalves died after 1597 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married ANA Rebouças.
ANA Rebouças died after 1597 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married GONÇALO Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
M i MANOEL Gonçalves da Ribeira
Pedro Correia [Parents] was born in 1576/1581 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Leonor Gomes in Feb 1601 in Igreja de São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f25) # Em (...) fevereiro de 1601, PEDRO CORREA, filho de [ROQUE DIAS e MARIA CORREA] com LEONOR GOMES, filha de RAFAEL SALGADO, e de MARIA DIAS. O vigario Lopes.
Leonor Gomes [Parents] was born in 1574/1576 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Pedro Correia in Feb 1601 in Igreja de São Roque.
They had the following children:
M i Manoel Correia was born in 1605 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 24 Feb 1605 in Igreja de São Pedro do Funchal.