JOÃO Martins Cabral [Parents] was born about 1290 in Portugal.
He had the following children:
M i GIL Cabral
MARTINS Durães de Riba Vizela was born about 1265 in Portugal. He married NNN Anes Cabral.
NNN Anes Cabral [Parents] was born about 1265 in Portugal. She married MARTINS Durães de Riba Vizela.
They had the following children:
M i JOÃO Martins Cabral
JOÃO Cabral was born about 1240 in Portugal. He married NNN de Belmir.
NNN de Belmir was born about 1265 in Portugal. She married JOÃO Cabral.
They had the following children:
F i NNN Anes Cabral
JOÃO Anes Loureiro [Parents] was born about 1315 in Loureiro em Oliveira de Azeméis, Distrito do Porto, Portugal. He married CATARINA Dias de Figueiredo.
Foi o 1° Senhor de Honra de Loureiro.
CATARINA Dias de Figueiredo [Parents] was born about 1315 in Figueiredo, Distrito de Braga, Portugal. She married JOÃO Anes Loureiro.
Também poderia se chamar Marinha Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i CATARINA Anes Loureiro
JOÃO de Loureiro was born about 1290 in (...), Portugal.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i JOÃO Anes Loureiro
DIOGO Afonso de Figueiredo was born about 1290 in (...), Portugal. He died in Mar 1384 in Figueiredo, Distrito de Braga, Portugal. He married CONSTANÇA Rodrigues Pereira.
Foi vassalo de D. Fernando, que em 3 de Dezembro de 1379 lhe doou a quinta de Santo André de Zurara (Mangualde), o celeiro de Maceira, no julgado do Vouga e os préstamos da Quebradas e de Mourinho, na terra da Feira, que era de sua mulher. Foi vedor do Infante D. João, filho de D. Inês de Castro. Foi Senhor de Santo André.
CONSTANÇA Rodrigues Pereira was born about 1290 in (...), Portugal. She married DIOGO Afonso de Figueiredo.
Cosnta que seria filha de Rui Gonçalves Pereira, dito o Bravo, mas que viveu uma geração depois. Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
F i CATARINA Dias de Figueiredo
Rui Gonçalves Pereira [Parents] was born about 1300 in (...), Portugal. He married Beringueira Nunes Barreto.
Foi Sr. de grandes herdades, e bom cavaleiro (foi legitimado pelo Rei D. Afonso IV). Casou com D. Beringeira Nunes Barreto filha de Nuno Martins Barreto e de D. Maria Annes de Valadares no ttº. de Barretos. Gonçalo Pereira assistiu à justificação que El Rei D. Pedro fez de haver sido casado com D. Inês de Castro s.g.
Beringueira Nunes Barreto was born about 1310 in (...), Portugal. She married Rui Gonçalves Pereira.
They had the following children:
M i Rui Gonçalves Pereira "O Bravo" was born about 1340 in (...), Portugal.
GONÇALO Pereira [Parents] "O Liberal" was born about 1255 in Distrito de Braga, Portugal. He married Marinha Vasques.
Other marriages:Vasques Pimentel, URRACA
Gonçalo foi Conde no Reino de Portugal e deteve o título de Grande Comendador da Ordem Soberana e Militar de Malta em 1271. (fonte:
Marinha Vasques was born about 1270 in (...), Portugal. She married GONÇALO Pereira.
They had the following children:
M i Rui Gonçalves Pereira
SOEIRO Velho [Parents] was born about 1230 in Distrito do Porto, Portugal. He married TERESA Correia.
Descende de Ramiro II de Leão e de Addallah ibn Muhammed Sétimo Emir de Córdova.
TERESA Correia [Parents] was born about 1230 in Portugal. She married SOEIRO Velho.
They had the following children:
MARTIM Pires Espinel [Parents] was born about 1200 in Portugal.
He had the following children:
F i TERESA Correia