Rei de Navarra GARCIA VI de Navarra [Parents] "O Restaurador" was born about 1110. He died on 21 Nov 1150 in Lorca, Reino de Navarra, Espanha. He was buried in Catedral de Santa Maria de Pamplona. He married MARGUERITE de l'Aigle.
GARCIA VI foi rei de Navarra (1134-50) que conseguiu libertar seu reino unificado ao de Aragão, daí recebendo a alcunha de O Restaurador. Em Maio de 1135 se declarou vassalo de Alfonso VII, Rei de Castela e Leão, afim de se proteger das pretensões de Aragão. Em Setembro, Alfonso VII deu o feudo de Saragoça a Garcia, recém tomada de Aragão, porém teve de devolve-lo no ano seguinte. Neste mesmo ano, foi obrigado a dar Rioja, a contragosto, a Castela, isto o levou a fazer uma aliança com Afonso I Henriques de Portugal contra Alfonso VII. Entre 1139/40 ele assinou um armistício, passando a atuar sempre ao lado de Alfonso VII na luta da Reconquista. Tomou Tauste (1146) aos aragoneses e lutou em Almeira (1147). Faleceu em Lorca e foi enterrado na Catedral de Santa Maria de Pamplona. Legou o mosteiro de Santa Maria de la Oliva, em Carcastillo. (fonte: Descende de Carlos Magno.
MARGUERITE de l'Aigle [Parents] was born in 1103/1104 in França. She died on 25 May 1141 in Reino de Navarra, Espanha. She married Rei de Navarra GARCIA VI de Navarra.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
They had the following children:
F i BLANCA Garcês de Navarra
GILBERT de l'Aigle [Parents] was born about 1080 in França. He died about 1120 in Maine, France. He married JULIENNE de Perche.
Foi Conde de Perche. Descende de Carlos Magno.
JULIENNE de Perche [Parents] was born about 1085 in Perche, França. She married GILBERT de l'Aigle.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
They had the following children:
F i MARGUERITE de l'Aigle
RICHER de l'Aigle [Parents] was born about 1055 in França. He died on 18 Nov 1085 in St. Suzanne, Maine, France. He married JUDITH d'Avranches.
JUDITH d'Avranches [Parents] was born about 1060 in Avranches, Normandia, França. She married RICHER de l'Aigle.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i GILBERT de l'Aigle
INGELULPHE de l'Aigle [Parents] was born about 1030 in França. He died on 14 Oct 1066 in Hastings, France. He married RICHERERE de France.
Foi Senhor de Aigle.
RICHERERE de France was born about 1030 in França. She married INGELULPHE de l'Aigle.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i RICHER de l'Aigle
FULBERT de Baine was born about 1010 in França. He died on 18 Nov 1085 in St. Suzanne, Maine, France.
Foi Senhor de Aigle (Suiça). Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i INGELULPHE de l'Aigle
RICHARD LE GOZ d'Avranches [Parents] was born about 1020 in Avranches, Normandia, França. He married EMA de Conteville.
Barão de Haye-du-Puits, Visconde de Avranches e Conde de Chester
EMA de Conteville [Parents] was born about 1030 in Conteville, Normandia, França. She married RICHARD LE GOZ d'Avranches.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i JUDITH d'Avranches
TOUSTEIN LE GOZ d'Hiesmes [Parents] was born about 985 in Hiesmes, Normandia, França. He married JUDITH de Montanolier.
Seigneur d' Hiesmes.
JUDITH de Montanolier was born about 995 in França. She married TOUSTEIN LE GOZ d'Hiesmes.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i RICHARD LE GOZ d'Avranches
ANSFRED II LE GOZ d'Hiesmes [Parents] was born about 965 in França.
vicomte d' Hiesmes.
He had the following children:
ANSFRED I Rollosson was born about 940 in Normandia, França. He died in 968 in França. He married HELLOE de Beaulac.
Fim de Linha.
HELLOE de Beaulac was born about 940 in França. She married ANSFRED I Rollosson.
Comtesse de Beaulac. Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
GEOFFROI I de Perche [Parents] was born about 1050 in França. He died in 1110 in Perche, França. He married BEATRIX de Montdidier.
Foi Conde de Perche.
BEATRIX de Montdidier [Parents] was born about 1050 in Montdidier, Somme, França. She married GEOFFROI I de Perche.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
They had the following children:
F i JULIENNE de Perche