LANDOLT von Reichenau [Parents] was born about 975 in Alemanha. He married BERTA von Büren.
BERTA von Büren was born about 975 in Alemanha. She married LANDOLT von Reichenau.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
F i LIUTGARD von Habsburg
LANZELIN von Altenburg [Parents] was born about 950 in Alemanha. He died in 991 in Altenburg, Thüringen (Turíngia), Alemanha. He married LUITGARD von Nellenburg.
Foi Graf de Altenburg.
LUITGARD von Nellenburg was born about 950 in Alemanha. She married LANZELIN von Altenburg.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i LANDOLT von Reichenau
GUNTRAM von Breisgau was born about 920 in Alemanha. He died after 973 in Breisgau, Alemanha.
Foi Graf em Breisgau. Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i LANZELIN von Altenburg
GUILLAUME VII de Montpellier [Parents] died in 1172 in Montpellier, França. He married MATHILDE de Borgonha.
Foi Terceiro Senhor de Montpellier. Descende de Carlos Magno.
MATHILDE de Borgonha [Parents] died in Montpellier, França. She married GUILLAUME VII de Montpellier.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
They had the following children:
M i GUILLAUME VIII de Montpellier
GUILLAUME VI de Montpellier died in 1162 in Montpellier, França. He married SIBILA di Saluzzo.
Foi Senhor de Montpellier. Fim de Linha.
SIBILA di Saluzzo [Parents] died in Montpellier, França. She married GUILLAUME VI de Montpellier.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i GUILLAUME VII de Montpellier
BONIFACIO del Vasto [Parents] was born about 1050. He died about 1130. He married ALICE di Savoia.
Bonifacio foi Marquês da Ligúria Ocidental e de Savona (1084-1125).
ALICE di Savoia [Parents] was born about 1050. She married BONIFACIO del Vasto.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i SIBILA di Saluzzo F ii Adelaisa di Savona
PIETRO I di Savoia [Parents] was born in 1045/1050 in Savoia, Itália. He died on 9 Jul 1078. He married AGNES de Poithou.
Conde de Savoia. Descende de Carlos Magno.
AGNES de Poithou [Parents] was born about 1040 in Aquitânia, França. She married PIETRO I di Savoia.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i ALICE di Savoia
OTTONE degli Aleramici [Parents] died in Savona, Itália. He married BERTA di Torino.
BERTA di Torino died in Liguria, Itália. She married OTTONE degli Aleramici.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i BONIFACIO del Vasto
ANSELMO III degli Aleramici died in Liguria, Itália.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i OTTONE degli Aleramici
JEAN I de Brienne [Parents] was born in 1251/1252 in Brienne, França. He died on 12 Jun 1294 in Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, França. He married BEATRIX de Châtillon.
Foi Conde de Eu. Descende de Carlos Magno, Fernando I de Leão, William I o Conquistador da Inglaterra, Hugo Capeto e Afonso Henriques de Portugal.
BEATRIX de Châtillon [Parents] was born in 1256/1257 in Châtillon, França. She died in 1304 in Saint-Pol, França. She married JEAN I de Brienne.
Descende de Carlos Magno, Hugo Capeto e William I o Conquistador.
They had the following children:
F i MATHILDE de Brienne