ENGUERRAND II de Ponthieu [Parents] was born about 1025 in Ponthieu, Ain, França. He died in 1053 in Ponthieu, Ain, Fran. He married ALICE da Normandia.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
ALICE da Normandia [Parents] was born in 1029 in Falaise, Normandia, França. She married ENGUERRAND II de Ponthieu.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i HELISENDE de Ponthieu
HUGUES II de Ponthieu [Parents] was born about 1005 in Ponthieu, Ain, França. He died in 1052 in Ponthieu, Ain, França. He married BERTHE d'Aumale.
Comte de Ponthieu. Descende de Carlos Magno e bisneto de Hugo Capeto.
BERTHE d'Aumale was born about 1005 in França. She married HUGUES II de Ponthieu.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i ENGUERRAND II de Ponthieu
ENGUERRAND I de Ponthieu [Parents] was born about 980 in Ponthieu, Ain, França. He married ALEIDA de Gand.
Comte de Ponthieu. Descende de Carlos Magno e neto de Hugo Capeto.
ALEIDA de Gand [Parents] was born about 980 in França. She married ENGUERRAND I de Ponthieu.
Other marriages:de Bolonha, BAUDOUIN II
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i HUGUES II de Ponthieu
ARNULF II von Friesland [Parents] was born about 950 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He died on 18 Sep 990 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married LUITGARDE von Luxemburg.
Foi Graf de Friesland. Descende de Carlos Magno.
LUITGARDE von Luxemburg [Parents] was born about 950 in Luxemburgo. She married ARNULF II von Friesland.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i ALEIDA de Gand M ii DIRK III van Holland
SIEGFRIED von Luxemburg [Parents] was born in 921/922 in Luxemburgo. He died on 15 Aug 988 in Luxemburgo. He married HADWIG von Nordgau.
Siegfried (*921/2, +28.X.998) foi o primeiro conde (Graf) do Luxemburgo, mas já era conde em Moselgau e em Ardenas e foi também o fundador da Casa de Luxemburgo. Por sua mãe descendia de Carlos Magno.
HADWIG von Nordgau [Parents] was born in 937 in Nordgau, Alemanha. She died in 992 in Luxemburgo. She married SIEGFRIED von Luxemburg.
They had the following children:
F i LUITGARDE von Luxemburg M ii FRIEDRICH I von Moselgau
EBERHARD IV von Nordgau died in 972 in Nordgau, Alemanha. He married EADIVA von Germaine.
Fim de Linha. Graf von Nordgau.
EADIVA von Germaine died in Nordgau, Alemanha. She married EBERHARD IV von Nordgau.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
F i HADWIG von Nordgau
RICWIN de Verdun was born in 886 in França. He died in 923 in Verdun, França. He married KUNEGUND de France about 920 in França.
Fim de Linha.
KUNEGUND de France [Parents] was born about 895 in França. She married RICWIN de Verdun about 920 in França.
Other marriages:von Bidgau, WIDRICUS
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i SIEGFRIED von Luxemburg
DIRK II von Friesland [Parents] was born in 903 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He died on 10 Jun 988 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married HILDEGARDE de Flandre in 943.
HILDEGARDE de Flandre [Parents] was born in 933/934 in Flandre, Belgica. She died in 990 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. She married DIRK II von Friesland in 943.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i ARNULF II von Friesland
DIRK von Friesland [Parents] was born about 875 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married GERBERGE de Hamalant.
GERBERGE de Hamalant died in Friesland, Alemanha. She married DIRK von Friesland.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i DIRK II von Friesland
DIRK I von Friesland [Parents] died in 958/959 in Friesland, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha.
He had the following children:
M i DIRK von Friesland