JOÃO Gonçalves was born in 1520/1525 in Guimarães, Distrito de Braga, Portugal. He died after 1571 in Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married ISABEL Alves on 19 Apr 1545 in Igreja da Sé do Funchal.
Casamento (L46 f82v) # Em dezanove de abrile de 1545 receby eu Joam Payva cura a porta da See a JOAÃ GONÇALVES do junto de Guimarães cõ ISABEL ALVARES filha de GASPAR FERNANDES (...) testemunhas Domingos Afonso (...) e Ayres de Ornellas e Affonso Gonçalves amo e Pero Mendes cõtador e muitas outras.
Foi Guarda da Ribeira e lavrador.
ISABEL Alves [Parents] was born in 1520/1525 in Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died after 1571 in Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married JOÃO Gonçalves on 19 Apr 1545 in Igreja da Sé do Funchal.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Gonçalves M ii Gaspar Gonçalves was born in 1548 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 5 Jul 1548 in Igreja de NS da Conceição do Funchal.
Batismo (L2 f170) # Em cynquo dias do mez de julho de 1548 annos bautizei heu Francisco (...)quoto a GASPAR filho de JOÃ GONSALVES e de sau molher IZABEL ALVEZ e foraõ cõpadres Joaõ (...) e Joaõ Favila e cãmadre Maria Favyla (...) \\ (...).M iii Domingos Gonçalves was born in 1551 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 20 May 1551 in Igreja de NS da Conceição do Funchal.
Batismo (L3 f84) # Em hom mesmo dia [vinte dias do mez de mayo de 1551] bautzou Joã Nogera cura da Se DOMINGOS filho de JOAÕ GONSALVES e de sua molher IZABEL ALVREZ desta freguezia e foraõ padrinhos Francisco (...) e Antonio L(...) \\ Yoanes GomezF iv Isabel Gonçalves was born in 1553 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 31 Jul 1553 in Igreja de NS da Conceição do Funchal.
Batismo (L4 f71v) # Em derradeiro dias do mez de julho de 1553 annos bautizei heu Yoam Gomez cura ha IZABEL filha de JOAÕ GONSALVES lavrador e de sua molher IZABEL ALVREZ e foraõ padrinhos Domingos Affonso e Bastiaõ Pirez \\ Yoanes Gomez \\ Domingos Affonso \\ Bastiaõ Pirez.
Mateus Pires [Parents] was born in 1580/1585 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Gonçalves on 29 Nov 1608 in Igreja de São Roque.
Maria Gonçalves [Parents] was born in 1583/1588 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Mateus Pires on 29 Nov 1608 in Igreja de São Roque.
Diogo Gonçalves died after 1608 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Rodrigues.
Maria Rodrigues died after 1608 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Diogo Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i Maria Gonçalves
GASPAR Fernandes was born about 1490 in Portugal. He died after 1545 in Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal.
He had the following children:
F i ISABEL Alves
Antonio de Freitas [Parents] was born in 1619/1624 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Gomes on 10 Feb 1644 in Igreja de São Roque.
Other marriages:de Oliveira, Luzia
Maria Gomes [Parents] was born in 1620/1621 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died before 1649 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Antonio de Freitas on 10 Feb 1644 in Igreja de São Roque.
BRÁS Gonçalves was born in 1585/1590 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died on 31 Jan 1663 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married JOANA Gomes on 19 Jan 1614/1615 in Igreja de São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f27) # Em 19 de janeiro (de 1614 ou 15), BRAZ GONÇALVES com [JO]ANA GOMES (so se pôde ler a nota marginal).
Óbito # Em 31 de janeiro de 1663, faleceu BRAZ GONÇALVES. O vig(a)r(i)o Pereira.
JOANA Gomes was born in 1585/1590 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died on 26 Oct 1660 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married BRÁS Gonçalves on 19 Jan 1614/1615 in Igreja de São Roque.
Óbito # Em 26 de outubro de 1660, faleceu JOANA GOMES, mulher de BRAZ GONÇALVES, da Alegria. O vig(a)r(i)o Pereira.
They had the following children:
M i Manoel Gomes F ii Isabel Gomes F iii Maria Gomes M iv Baltasar Gomes was born in 1622 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 6 Jan 1622 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em 6 de janeiro de 1622, BALTAZAR, filho de BRAZ GONÇALVES e de sua mulher JOANA GOMES. Padrinho Baltazar Dias. O vig(a)r(i)o Lopes.F v ANA Gomes M vi Jacinto Gomes
Lourenço de Freitas [Parents] was born in 1620/1625 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Antonia Fernandes on 27 Nov 1645 in Igreja de São Roque.
Antonia Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1620/1625 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Lourenço de Freitas on 27 Nov 1645 in Igreja de São Roque.
Simão Pires died in 1645/1657 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Luzia Fernandes.
Luzia Fernandes died after 1645 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Simão Pires.
They had the following children:
F i Antonia Fernandes F ii Isabel Fernandes
Antonio de Freitas [Parents] was born in 1619/1624 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Luzia de Oliveira on 20 Nov 1650 in Igreja de São Roque.
Other marriages:Gomes, Maria
Luzia de Oliveira [Parents] was born in 1825/1830 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Antonio de Freitas on 20 Nov 1650 in Igreja de São Roque.
Felipe Gonçalves died after 1650 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married Helena Brás.
Helena Brás died after 1650 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married Felipe Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i Luzia de Oliveira