Selected Families and Individuals

LEOFRIC II of Mercia [Parents] was born in 959/960 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. He died in 1023 in Inglaterra. He married ALWARA Mannesson.

ALWARA Mannesson was born about 960 in Inglaterra. She married LEOFRIC II of Mercia.

Fim de Linha.

They had the following children:

  M i LEOFRIC III of Mercia

EDULPH of Mercia [Parents] was born about 925 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. He married ELFWINA of England.

ELFWINA of England was born about 935 in Inglaterra. She married EDULPH of Mercia.

Fim de Linha.

They had the following children:

  M i LEOFRIC II of Mercia

EDULPH of Wessex was born about 890 in Inglaterra. He married ELFWYNA of Mercia.

Fim de Linha.

ELFWYNA of Mercia [Parents] was born about 890 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. She married EDULPH of Wessex.

They had the following children:

  M i EDULPH of Mercia

ETHELRED of Mercia [Parents] was born in 855/860 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. He died in 911 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. He married ETHELFLEDA of Mercia.

Earl of Mercia.

ETHELFLEDA of Mercia [Parents] was born in 869 in Wessex, Inglaterra. She died in 918 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. She married ETHELRED of Mercia.

They had the following children:

  F i ELFWYNA of Mercia

BRUGHRED of Mercia was born about 835 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. He died in 874 in Roma, Itália. He married AETHELSWITH of Wessex.

Fim de Linha.

AETHELSWITH of Wessex [Parents] was born in 833 in Wessex, Inglaterra. She died in 899 in Reino de Mercia, Inglaterra. She married BRUGHRED of Mercia.

They had the following children:

  M i ETHELRED of Mercia

GODWIN of Wessex was born in 987 in Winchester, Inglaterra. He died on 15 Apr 1053 in Winchester, Inglaterra. He married GHYTA Sprakalaeg.

Earl of Wessex and Kent.

GHYTA Sprakalaeg [Parents] was born about 995 in Dinamarca. She married GODWIN of Wessex.

They had the following children:

  M i Rei da Inglaterra HAROLD II Godwinson of England

Rei da Dinamarca SVEND I Haraldson da Dinamarca [Parents] "Barba Bifurcada (Tveskaeg)" was born about 955 in Dinamarca. He died on 3 Feb 1014 in Dinamarca.

Svend I (+3.II.1014) foi rei da Dinamarca (985-1014), rei da Noruega (1000-1014) e rei de Inglaterra (1013-1014). Durante a década de 990 atacou, várias vezes, a Inglaterra, governada por Ethelred II. Derrotou este rei em 1014, mas faleceu semanas depois.

He had the following children:

  F i GHYTA Sprakalaeg

Co-Rei da Suécia OLAF II Bjornsson av Sverige [Parents] was born about 925 in Suécia. He died in 970 in Uppsala, Suécia (Sverig).

Olaf (Uppsala +970) foi um dos chamados reis semi-lendários da Suécia que, de acordo com a Saga de Hervarar e os registros de Styrbjarnar Svíakappa, governou junto com o irmão Erik (970-995). Morreu envenenado durante uma refeição.

He had the following children:

  M i STYRBJORN Olafsson

WSEWOLOD de Kiev [Parents] was born about 1020 in Kiev, Ucrânia. He died in 1093 in Kiev, Ucrânia. He married MARIA Monomach.

MARIA Monomach [Parents] was born about 1020 in Turquia. She died in 1067 in Kiev, Ucrânia. She married WSEWOLOD de Kiev.

Descende do Rei dos Reis Dario I, o Grande.

They had the following children:

  M i VLADIMIR II Monomach

Basileus KONSTANTINOS IX Monomach [Parents] was born about 1000 in Turquia. He died on 11 Jan 1055 in Constantinopla (Istambul), Turquia. He was buried in Monastério de Mangana em Constantinopla. He married HELENA Sklerina.

KONSTANTINOS IX Monomach (*c1000,+11.I.1055) foi Basileus (11.VI.1042) casou-se com Zoe, Imperatriz de Bizância, com quem governou em conjunto. Em 1043 combateu seu ex-general Jorge Maniace que havia feito coroar Imperador na Itália. Em 1046 tiveram o primeiro contato com os turcos seljúcidas e os combateram em na Armênia (1048). Em 1054 houve a cisma entre a Igreja Católica e a Ortodoxa e que perdura até os dias de hoje, para desgosto de Konstantinos que caiu enfermo e faleceu no ano seguinte. (fonte:

HELENA Sklerina [Parents] was born about 1000 in Turquia. She died in 1040/1042 in Turquia. She married Basileus KONSTANTINOS IX Monomach.

Descende do Rei dos Reis Dario I, o Grande.

They had the following children:

  F i MARIA Monomach

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