Francisco Gonçalves died before 1616 in Porto Moniz, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Margarida Gonçalves.
Margarida Gonçalves died before 1616 in Porto Moniz, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Francisco Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
M i Francisco Rodrigues
Salvador Taveira [Parents] was born in 1595/1600 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Leonor Rodrigues in 1621 in Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça do Estreito da Calheta.
Leonor Rodrigues [Parents] was born in 1595/1600 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Salvador Taveira in 1621 in Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça do Estreito da Calheta.
Brás Gonçalves died before 1621 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Isabel Rodrigues.
Isabel Rodrigues died before 1621 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Brás Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i Leonor Rodrigues
DOMINGOS Gonçalves was born about 1590 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married MARIA Francisca.
MARIA Francisca was born about 1590 in Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. She married DOMINGOS Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
M i JOSÉ Gonçalves Bacalhau
BENTO Pires was born about 1590 in Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. He married MARIA Francisca.
MARIA Francisca was born about 1590 in Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. She married BENTO Pires.
They had the following children:
Antonio Francisco [Parents] was born in 1600/1605 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Inês Francisca on 14 Oct 1625 in Igreja do Espírito Santo da Calheta.
Nota: Dispensados do segundo grau de consanguinidade.
Inês Francisca [Parents] was born in 1602 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 27 Jan 1602 in Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça do Estreito da Calheta. She married Antonio Francisco on 14 Oct 1625 in Igreja do Espírito Santo da Calheta.
Batismo (L1 f15v) # Aos 27 de jan(ei)ro de (1)602 eu Melchior Mont(ei)ro vig(a)r(i)o nesta igreja bautizei a INEZ f(ilh)a de D(IOG)O TAV(EI)RA, e de sua m(olh)er LEONOR FR(ANCIS)CA foraõ padrinhos M(ano)el de Castro e dona M(ari)a e assinamos dia mes ut supra. Melchior Mont(ei)ro. Manoel de Castro.
Manoel Francisco died before 1625 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married Maria Álvares.
Maria Álvares died after 1625 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married Manoel Francisco.
They had the following children:
M i Antonio Francisco
DOMINGOS Rodrigues died before 1613 in Porto Moniz, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married JOANA Rodrigues.
JOANA Rodrigues died before 1613 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married DOMINGOS Rodrigues.
They had the following children:
M i MANOEL Afonso
JOÃO Afonso [Parents] was born in 1552/1557 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died before 1613 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married MARIA Rodrigues in 1577 in Igreja do Espírito Santo da Calheta.
Casamento (ADF59 f20v) # Ele filho de JORGE ENES, já defunto, e de EUFRÁSIA AFONSO; ela filha de RODRIGO ENES e de MARIA GONÇALVES, todos moradores no Estreito, termo desta vila.
MARIA Rodrigues [Parents] was born in 1552/1557 in Ribeira da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died after 1613 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married JOÃO Afonso in 1577 in Igreja do Espírito Santo da Calheta.
They had the following children:
F i Leonor Rodrigues was born in 1583 in Lombo da Atouguia na Calheta, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 6 Sep 1583 in Igreja do Espírito Santo da Calheta.
Batismo (L3 f77v) # Aos onze de setembro de 83 baptizou Sallvador Gonsalves beneficiado nesta igreja do spirito Sãto que ora nela serve a rogo do vigairo a LEONOR filha de AFONSO ANES lavrador morador no Lombo dAtouguia e sua molher MARIA RODRIGUES de que foraõ padrinhos Antonio Gonsalves v(...) desta igreja e Marguaida Pirez viuva molher que foi de Jorge Martins purgador \\ Sallvador dAmill \\ Antonio GonsalvesF ii ANA Rodrigues
JORGE Anes died before 1577 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married EUFRÁSIA Afonso.
EUFRÁSIA Afonso died after 1577 in Estreito da Calheta, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married JORGE Anes.
They had the following children:
M i JOÃO Afonso