JOÃO de Cairos was born in 1565/1570 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He died on 15 Oct 1607 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married MARIA Gomes on 22 Oct 1590 in Igreja de São Roque.
Casamento (L222 f22) # Em 22 de outubro de 1590, JOÃO DE CAIROS, com MARIA GOMES, f(ilh)a de LEONEL RODRIGUES e LEONOR GOMES. Tes(temunh)as Juzarte Ribeiro, Martim Vaz de Cairos, Luiz Gonçalves Uzel. O vig(a)r(i)o Lopes.
Óbito # Em 15 de outubro de 1607, JOAÕ DE CAIROS. O vig(ari)o Lopes.
Nota: seguramente foi bisneto de Diogo de Cairos e Maria de Cairos.
MARIA Gomes [Parents] was born in 1570/1572 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died on 22 Feb 1634 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married JOÃO de Cairos on 22 Oct 1590 in Igreja de São Roque.
Óbito # Em 22 de fevereiro de 1634, MARIA GOMES, viúva. O vig(ari)o Valdavesso.
They had the following children:
F i CATARINA de Cairos F ii Isabel de Cairos was born in 1600 in São Roque, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 20 Oct 1600 in Igreja de São Roque.
Batismo # Em 20 de outubro de 1600, ISABEL, f(ilh)a de JOAÕ DE CAIROS e MARIA GOMES. O vig(ari)o Lopes.F iii Francisca de Cairos
FRANCISCO Pires died before 1582 in São Pedro de Pedome em Barcelos, Distrito de Braga, Portugal. He married ISABEL Pires.
ISABEL Pires died before 1582 in São Pedro de Pedome em Barcelos, Distrito de Braga, Portugal. She married FRANCISCO Pires.
They had the following children:
M i PEDRO Francisco
SALVADOR Gonçalves was born in 1536/1541 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He died after 1582 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married ANA Fernandes on 17 Aug 1561 in Igreja da Sé do Funchal.
Casamento (L49 f51v) # Em 17 dias de agosto era de 1561 annos a porta da Se desta cidade recebi eu custodio nunes cura desta a SALVADOR G(ONÇA)L(VE)S com ANA F(E)R(NANDE)S sua molher, os quaes recebi perante m(ui)tas t(estemunh)as / M(ano)el de Florença e P(er)o G(onça)l(ve)s escrivaõ, Manoel F(e)r(nande)s e Fr(ancis)co G(onça)l(ve)s e foraõ apregoados tres domingos conforme o mandam da santa madre igrja oje (....) asima dito \\ Custodio Nunes \\ M(ano)el de Florença \\ Manoel F(e)r(nande)s \\ Fr(ancis)co + G(onça)l(ve)s.
ANA Fernandes was born in 1536/1541 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She died after 1582 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married SALVADOR Gonçalves on 17 Aug 1561 in Igreja da Sé do Funchal.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Gonçalves M ii Francisco Gonçalves was born in 1573 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 1 Mar 1573 in Igreja de NS da Conceição do Funchal.
Batismo (L8 f135v) # En o primeiro de março de 1573 bautizey a FRANCISCO filho de SALVADOR GONSALVES trabalhador e de sua molher ANA FERNANDES foraõ padrinhos Tristaõ Teixeira e Antonyo dAragaõ \\ Domynguos Fernandes \\ Tristaõ Teixera \\ Atonio dAragã.F iii Bárbara Gonçalves was born in 1577 in Funchal, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She was christened on 6 May 1577 in Igreja de NS da Conceição do Funchal.
Batismo (L10 f58v) # Em 6 de maio de 1577 annos baptizei eu Vicente Affonso cura BARBARA filha de SALVADOR GONSALVES e de sua molher ANNA FERNANDES foraõ padrinhos Mateus Cabral Taveira, mercador e Izabel Abreu (?) sobredito o escrevi \\ Vicente Affonso \\ Matheus Cabral
NNN Gonçalves died after 1600 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal.
He had the following children:
M i PEDRO Gonçalves do Canavial
JOÃO Gonçalves died after 1600 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married ISABEL Gonçalves.
ISABEL Gonçalves died after 1600 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married JOÃO Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i MARIA Gonçalves
GASPAR Gonçalves died in Campanário, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. He married MARIA Antunes.
Nota: Citado em Menezes Vaz (1958, tto Ferrazes) e pertenceram ao tto dos Fernandes Faria.
MARIA Antunes died in Campanário, Ilha Madeira, Portugal. She married GASPAR Gonçalves.
They had the following children:
F i INÊS Gonçalves
FERNANDO Lopes was born about 1550 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died about 1585 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married ANA Salgado about 1585 in Igreja de São Roque.
ANA Salgado [Parents] was born in 1558 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She was christened in Oct 1558 in Igreja de NS da Conceição do Funchal. She died after 1612 in São Roque, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married FERNANDO Lopes about 1585 in Igreja de São Roque.
Other marriages:de Almança, Domingos
Batismo (L5 f131) # (...) de 8bro de 1558 bautizey eu Yoam Guomez cura da See a ANNA filha de RAFAEL SALGADO lavrador e de MARIA DIAS (...) [escrita por demais arcaica]
They had the following children:
JORGE Fernandes Camacho [Parents] was born in 1565/1570 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died on 9 Apr 1621 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married ANA Fernandes in 1590/1595 in Igreja da Santíssima Trindade de Tabua.
Óbito (RGL(9/10) L2 f30) # 1.621 Abr(il) 9, (30), JORGE FERNANDES, lavrador.
ANA Fernandes [Parents] was born in 1565/1570 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died on 7 May 1631 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married JORGE Fernandes Camacho in 1590/1595 in Igreja da Santíssima Trindade de Tabua.
Óbito (RGL(9/10) L2 f44) # 1.631 Mai(o) 7, (44), ANA FERNANDES, viúva de JORGE FERNANDES; filha de BRITES FERNANDES, mãe de Francisco Jorge.
They had the following children:
F i Bárbara Camacho M ii MANOEL Fernandes Camacho M iii Francisco Jorge was born in 1600/1605 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died after 1631 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal.
BENTO Gonçalves was born about 1560 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died in 1612/1619 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married ANTONIA Gomes.
ANTONIA Gomes was born about 1560 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died on 24 Nov 1628 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married BENTO Gonçalves.
Óbito (RGL(9/10) L2 f40) # 1.628 Nov(embro) 24, (40), ANTONIA GOMES, viúva.
They had the following children:
F i Maria Gomes M ii Inácio Gonçalves was born in 1593 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 11 Apr 1593 in Igreja da Santíssima Trindade de Tabua.
Batismo (L2 f3v) # Em onze de abril de 93 baptizei eu Manoel de Spindola vigario da Tabua a INAÇIA filha de BENTO GONSALVES e ANTONIA GOMES de legitimo matrimonio padrinhos (...) Fernandes e Antonia F(...).F iii ISABEL Rodrigues
NICOLAU Luís was born about 1570 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He died on 22 Jun 1611 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He married VITÓRIA Rodrigues.
Óbito (RGL(9/10) L2 f18) # 1.611 Jun(ho) 22, (18), NICOLAU LUIZ.
VITÓRIA Rodrigues was born about 1570 in Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She died on 3 Dec 1646 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. She married NICOLAU Luís.
Óbito (RGL(9/10) L2 f64) # 1.646 Dez(embro) 3, (64), VITÓRIA RODRIGUES, viúva. Mãe de Gonçalo Rodrigues, seu testamenteiro.
They had the following children:
M i Gonçalo Rodrigues M ii MANOEL Rodrigues M iii João Luís M iv Francisco Luís was born in 1601 in Tabua, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. He was christened on 25 Apr 1601 in Igreja da Santíssima Trindade da Tabua.
Batismo (L2 f25v) # Em os vinte e sinco dias do mez e abril de seis centos e hum na pia bautizmal desta parrochia da Trindade bautizei a FRANCISCO filho de NICULAO LUIS e de BITOREA RODIGUES meus fregeses foi padrinho Pedralvares Ouzel que asinou aqui comigo \\ João de Medeiros de Miranda \\ Pedralves