ODRADE von Sachsen died in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married WIGBERT von Sachsen.
Fim de Linha.
WIGBERT von Sachsen [Parents] died in 827 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. She married ODRADE von Sachsen.
They had the following children:
M i ECBERT von Sachsen F ii WALTPRACHT von Sachsen
WIDUKIND von Sachsen [Parents] died in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married GEVA Eysteinsdatter.
Widukind foi um guerreiro germânico da saxônia (Sachsen) que impôs uma forte resistência contra o Imperador Carlos Magno. Sua primeira menção surgem em 777, quando ele se recusou a comparecer a corte de Carlos Magno, ficando ao lado do rei Sigurd da Dinamarca. Após alguns anos de conflito, na chamada guerras saxônicas, Widukind aceitou o domínio do grande imperador do ocidente e se converteu, forçadamente, ao cristianismo (785). Depois disto, ele foi preso e levado a um monastério, possivelmente o de Reichenau, onde deve ter falecido . (fonte: Wikipedia.org)
GEVA Eysteinsdatter [Parents] was born about 755 in Vestfold, Noruéga. She married WIDUKIND von Sachsen.
They had the following children:
F i WIGBERT von Sachsen
WERNEKIND von Sachsen died in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i WIDUKIND von Sachsen
JIMENO Basco was born in 710/720 in Reino de Navarra, Espanha.
Magnata Basco. Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i IÑIGO Jimenez
ALTBURG von Germaine [Parents] died in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married WALTPRACHT von Sachsen.
WALTPRACHT von Sachsen [Parents] died about 891 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. She married ALTBURG von Germaine.
They had the following children:
M i IMMED von Germaine
IMMED von Germaine died in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i ALTBURG von Germaine
ARIBO I von Bayern [Parents] was born about 940 in Bayern (Bavária), Alemanha. He married ADELA von Bayern.
Pfalzgraf de Bayern.
ADELA von Bayern died in Bayern (Bavária), Alemanha. She married ARIBO I von Bayern.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i HARTWICH II von Bayern
CHADALHOH von Isengau died in Bayern (Bavária), Alemanha.
Graf em Isengau. Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i ARIBO I von Bayern
WALRAM II von Arlon [Parents] died in Arlon, Bégica. He married JUTTA von Niederlothringen.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
JUTTA von Niederlothringen [Parents] died in Arlon, Bégica. She married WALRAM II von Arlon.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i HEINRICH I von Niederlothringen
FRIEDRICH von Niederlothringen [Parents] was born about 1000 in Moselgau, Alemanha. He died in 1065 in Niederlothringen, Alemanha. He married GERBERGA de Bolonha.
Herzog de Niederlothringen. Descende de Carlos Magno.
GERBERGA de Bolonha [Parents] died in Niederlothringen, Alemanha. She married FRIEDRICH von Niederlothringen.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i JUTTA von Niederlothringen