YVES de Beaumont [Parents] died in Beaumont-sur-Oise, França. He married GISLA de Chevreuse.
GISLA de Chevreuse died in Beaumont-sur-Oise, França. She married YVES de Beaumont.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i YVES I de Beaumont-sur-Oise
YVES de France died in Beaumont-sur-Oise, França. He married GEILA de France.
Fim de Linha.
GEILA de France died in Beaumont-sur-Oise, França. She married YVES de France.
fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i YVES de Beaumont
HERVE de Montmorency [Parents] was born about 1020 in Montmorency, França. He married AGNES de Soissons.
Foi Senhor de de Montmorency.
AGNES de Soissons was born about 1020 in Soissons, França. She married HERVE de Montmorency.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i BOUCHARD IV de Montmorency
BOUCHARD III de Montmorency [Parents] was born about 990 in Montmorency, França.
Foi Senhor de de Montmorency.
He had the following children:
M i HERVE de Montmorency
BOUCHARD II de Montmorency [Parents] "O Barbudo" was born about 965 in Montmorency, França. He married HELVIDE de Basset.
Foi Senhor de de Montmorency.
HELVIDE de Basset was born about 965 in Basset, França. She married BOUCHARD II de Montmorency.
Dame de Château-Basset. Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i BOUCHARD III de Montmorency
BOUCHARD I de Montmorency "O Barbudo" was born about 940 in Montmorency, França. He died in 978 in Montmorency, França. He married HILDEGARDE de Blois.
Foi Senhor de de Montmorency. Fim de Linha.
HILDEGARDE de Blois [Parents] was born about 945 in Vermandois, Normandia, França. She married BOUCHARD I de Montmorency.
They had the following children:
M i BOUCHARD II de Montmorency
GODEFROI de Guise was born about 1050 in França. He married ADA de Montdidier.
Fim de Linha.
ADA de Montdidier [Parents] was born about 1050 in Montdidier, Somme, França. She married GODEFROI de Guise.
Other marriages:d'Ath, GAULTIER
Descende de Hugo Capeto e Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i GUY de Guise
NICOLAS d'Avesnes [Parents] died in Avesnes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, França. He married MAHAUT de La Roche.
MAHAUT de La Roche [Parents] died in Avesnes, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, França. She married NICOLAS d'Avesnes.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i JACQUES d'Avesnes
HENRI I de Namur [Parents] was born about 1070 in Namur, Bélgica. He married MATHILDE von Niederlothringen.
Foi Conde de La Roche. Descende de Carlos Magno.
MATHILDE von Niederlothringen [Parents] died in Namur, França. She married HENRI I de Namur.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i MAHAUT de La Roche
HEINRICH I von Niederlothringen [Parents] died in 1119 in Niederlothringen, Alemanha. He married ADELHEID von Pottenstein.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
ADELHEID von Pottenstein [Parents] died in Niederlothringen, Alemanha. She married HEINRICH I von Niederlothringen.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i MATHILDE von Niederlothringen