AIMERY IV de Thouars [Parents] was born in 1024/1025 in Thouars, França. He died in 1093 in Thouars, França. He married ARENGARDE de Mauleon.
Visconde de Thouars. Descende de Carlos Magno.
ARENGARDE de Mauleon died in Thouars, França. She married AIMERY IV de Thouars.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
F i ELEANOR de Thouars
GEOFFROI II de Thouars [Parents] was born about 990 in Thouars, França. He married AGNES de Blois.
Visconde de Thouars.
AGNES de Blois [Parents] was born about 1000 in França. She married GEOFFROI II de Thouars.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i AIMERY IV de Thouars
EUDES I de Blois [Parents] was born in 950 in Blois, França. He died in 996 in Blois, França. He married BERTHE de Borgonha.
Foi Conde de Blois.
BERTHE de Borgonha [Parents] was born about 970 in Borgonha, França. She married EUDES I de Blois.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i EUDES II de Blois F ii AGNES de Blois
SAVARY III de Thouars [Parents] was born about 960 in Thouars, França. He died in 1004 in Thouars, França.
He had the following children:
M i GEOFFROI II de Thouars
HERBERT I de Thouars [Parents] was born about 930 in Thouars, França. He died in 987 in Thouars, França. He married ALDEARDE d'Aulnay.
ALDEARDE d'Aulnay [Parents] was born about 930 in França. She married HERBERT I de Thouars.
They had the following children:
M i SAVARY III de Thouars
CADELON I d'Aulnay was born about 900 in França. He died after 954 in Aulnay, França. He married SENEGONDA de Marcillac.
Visconde de Aulnay.
SENEGONDA de Marcillac was born about 900 in França. She married CADELON I d'Aulnay.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
F i ALDEARDE d'Aulnay
AIMERY II de Thouars [Parents] was born about 900 in Thouars, França. He married ALIENOR de France.
ALIENOR de France was born about 900 in França. She married AIMERY II de Thouars.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i HERBERT I de Thouars
SAVARY I de Thouars [Parents] was born about 875 in Thouars, França. He married AREMBURGE de France.
AREMBURGE de France was born about 875 in França. She married SAVARY I de Thouars.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i AIMERY II de Thouars
(GEOFFROY) de Thouars was born about 850 in França.
Vicecomes Toarcensis. Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i SAVARY I de Thouars
HUGUES VIII de Lusignan [Parents] was born about 1120 in Lusignan, França. He married BOURGOGNE de Rancon.
Foi Senhor de Lusignan. Descende de Carlos Magno.
BOURGOGNE de Rancon [Parents] died in Lusignan, França. She married HUGUES VIII de Lusignan.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i RAOUL I de Lusignan