DONAT I de Melun [Parents] died in Melun, Seine-et-Marne, França. He married LANDREE de Paris.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
LANDREE de Paris [Parents] was born about 815 in Paris, França. She married DONAT I de Melun.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i JOSSELIN de Bassigny
GOSLIN du Maine died in Maine, França. He married ADELTRUD von Germaine.
Fim de Linha.
ADELTRUD von Germaine [Parents] was born in 774. She died in Maine, França. She married GOSLIN du Maine.
They had the following children:
M i DONAT I de Melun
Imperador do Ocidente CARLOS MAGNO von Germaine [Parents] was born on 2 Apr 747 in Ingelheim, Alemanha. He died on 28 Jan 814 in Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), Alemanha. He married FASTRADE von Ostfranken.
Other marriages:von Vintschgau, HILDEGARDE
CARLOS MAGNO (Ingelheim *2.IV.747, Aix-la-Chappelle +28.I.814) foi o grande restaurador do antigo Império Romano do Ocidente e ancestral de quase todos, se não todos, os monarcas da moderna Europa. Ele foi Rex Francorum (771-814), Rei dos Lombardos (>714) e Imperador do Sacro Império Romano, cuja coroação se deu em Roma em 25.XII.800. Casou-se (oo 771) com Hildegarde von Vintschgau (*758,+30.IV.783) de onde nasceram nove filhos, dos quais, cinco são meus ancestrais. Teve várias concubinas, entre elas Fastrade (+10.VIII.794), também conhecida como Gersuina, e de qual sou descencente por uma ancestral. Uma excelente biografia deste importantíssimo personagem pode ser encontrada na edição portuguesa de Carlos Magno de Jean Favier (2004).
FASTRADE von Ostfranken was born about 750 in Alemanha. She died on 10 Aug 794 in Alemanha. She married Imperador do Ocidente CARLOS MAGNO von Germaine.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
F i ADELTRUD von Germaine
RAOUL III de Woevre died in Woevre, Lorena, França.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
F i ERVISE de Woevre
ARTAUD III de Forez [Parents] died in 1085 in Forez, Loire, França. He married IDE de Forez.
Conde de Lion e Forez.
IDE de Forez died in Forez, Loire, França. She married ARTAUD III de Forez.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
GIRAUD II de Forez [Parents] died in Forez, Loire, França. He married ADELAIDE de France.
Conde de Lion e Forez.
ADELAIDE de France died in Forez, Loire, França. She married GIRAUD II de Forez.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i ARTAUD III de Forez
ARTAUD II de Forez [Parents] was born about 945 in França. He died about 1010 in Departamento do Loire, França. He married THEUTBERGA de Limoges.
Conde de Lion e Forez.
THEUTBERGA de Limoges [Parents] was born about 945 in Limoges, França. She married ARTAUD II de Forez.
Descende Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i GIRAUD II de Forez F ii THEUTBERGA de Lion
GIRAUD I de Forez [Parents] died in Departamento do Loire, França. He married GIMBURGIA de France.
Conde de Lion e Forez.
GIMBURGIA de France died in Departamento do Loire, França. She married GIRAUD I de Forez.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i ARTAUD II de Forez
ARTAUD I de Forez [Parents] died about 957 in Departamento do Loire, França.
Conde de Lion e Forez.
He had the following children:
M i GIRAUD I de Forez
GUILLAUME II de Forez [Parents] died about 917 in Departamento do Loire, França.
, Conde de Lion e Forez.
He had the following children:
M i ARTAUD I de Forez