DIETRICH von Germaine [Parents] was born about 870 in Alemanha.
He had the following children:
M i BERNHARD von Germaine
EZERD von Germaine was born about 850 in Alemanha.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i DIETRICH von Germaine
GERARD I de Lorraine [Parents] "O Grande" was born about 1010 in França. He married HEDUVIGE de Namur.
Foi Duque de Lorraine.
HEDUVIGE de Namur [Parents] was born about 1040 in França. She married GERARD I de Lorraine.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i THIERRY II de Lorraine F ii BEATRIZ de Lorraine
EBERARD IV d'Alsace was born about 945 in França. He died on 8 Dec 866 in Alsácia, França. He married BERTHE de Metz.
Fim de Linha.
BERTHE de Metz was born about 945 in Alemanha. She married EBERARD IV d'Alsace.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i ALBERT d'Alsace
ETIENNE I de Borgonha [Parents] "O Duro" was born about 1060 in Borgonha, Marne, França. He died on 27 May 1102 in Borgonha, Marne, França. He married BEATRIZ de Lorraine in 1090.
Foi Conde de Mâcon. Descende de Carlos Magno.
BEATRIZ de Lorraine [Parents] was born about 1065 in França. She died in 1115/1117 in Borgonha, Marne, França. She married ETIENNE I de Borgonha in 1090.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i REINAUD III de Borgonha M ii Guillaume IV de Borgonha F iii Marguerite de Borgonha
FRIEDRICH II von Schwaben [Parents] was born in 1090 in Schwaben (Suábia), Alemanha. He died on 6 Apr 1147 in Schwaben (Suábia), Alemanha. He married JUDITH von Bayern.
Foi Herzog da Suábia (Schwaben). Descende de Carlos Magno.
JUDITH von Bayern [Parents] was born about 1100 in Bayern (Bavária), Alemanha. She married FRIEDRICH II von Schwaben.
Descende de Carlos Magno
They had the following children:
M i Kaiser FRIEDRICH I von Germaine
HEINRICH IX von Bayern [Parents] was born in 1072/1075 in Modena, Itália. He died on 13 Dec 1126 in Ravensburg, Schwaben (Suábia), Alemanha. He married WULFHILDE von Sachsen.
Descende Carlos Magno.
WULFHILDE von Sachsen [Parents] was born in 1075 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. She died on 29 Dec 1126 in Altdorf, Bavária, Alemanha. She married HEINRICH IX von Bayern.
Descende Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i JUDITH von Bayern
MAGNUS von Sachsen [Parents] was born about 1040 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married SOPHIA da Hungria.
Descende Carlos Magno.
SOPHIA da Hungria [Parents] was born about 1050 in Hungria. She died on 18 Jun 1095 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. She married MAGNUS von Sachsen.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
F i WULFHILDE von Sachsen
Rei da Hungria BELA I da Hungria [Parents] "O Campeão" was born about 1016 in Ducado de Nitra, Eslováquia. He died on 11 Sep 1063 in Hungria. He married RICHEZA Polska.
Bela I, o Campeão, foi rei da Hungria (6.XII.1060). Passou 17 anos no exílio depois da morte de seu pai. Em 1043, o seu irmão, rei ANDRAS I deu-lhe um terço do reino para governar. Em 1057 recusou-se a aceitar seu sobrinho de cinco anos como sucessor. Após um conflito que durou até 1061, derrubou e mandou assassinar seu irmão, coroando-se rei. Faleceu quando a proteção que cobria o trono desabou sobre ele, o que levantou suspeitas que teria sido provocado. Casou-se (oo c1039) com uma princesa polonesa de nome Richeza. (fonte:
RICHEZA Polska [Parents] was born about 1020 in Polônia. She died after 1052 in Hungria. She married Rei da Hungria BELA I da Hungria.
Descende Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i Rei da Hungria GEZA I da Hungria M ii Rei da Hungria, São LASZLO I da Hungria F iii SOPHIA da Hungria
Ksiaze MIEZKO II Polski [Parents] was born about 990 in Polônia. He died on 10 May 1035 in Poznan, Polônia. He married RICHEZA von Lothringen.
Miezko II foi rei da Polônia (25.XII.1025-1031), fez devastadoras invasões na Saxonia (1028-1030), que foi respondida por uma invasão dos alemães, sob o comando do Kaiser Konrad II (1028-1029) e russos do principado de Kiev, sob o comando do Príncipe Yaroslav I. Faleceu, possivelmente em Poznan (Polônia). (fonte:
RICHEZA von Lothringen [Parents] was born before 1000 in Lothringen (Lotaríngia), Alemanha. She died on 21 May 1063 in Saalfeld, Alemanha. She married Ksiaze MIEZKO II Polski.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i Ksiaze KAZIMIERZ I Polski F ii RICHEZA Polska F iii GERTRUDA Polska