EBERHARD van Teisterbant [Parents] died in Teisterbant, Holanda.
Foi Senhor de Betuwe e Teisterbant. Descende de Carlos Magno.
He had the following children:
F i ADELA van Betuwe
LAMBERT II de Louvain [Parents] died on 21 Sep 1069 in Louvain, Bélgica. He married UDA de Lorraine.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
UDA de Lorraine [Parents] died in Louvain, Bélgica. She married LAMBERT II de Louvain.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i HENRI II de Louvain
BAUDOUIN VI de Mons [Parents] was born in 1029/1030 in Hainaut, Bélgica. He died on 10 Jul 1070 in Abadia de Hanson, França. He married RICHILDE de Hainaut.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
RICHILDE de Hainaut [Parents] was born about 1030 in Hainaut, Bélgica. She died on 15 Mar 1086 in Hainaut, Bélgica. She married BAUDOUIN VI de Mons.
Descende de Carlos Magno e Hugo Capeto.
They had the following children:
M i BAUDOUIN II de Hainaut
OSBORNE de Bolebec died in França. He married AVELINA de France.
AVELINA de France died in França. She married OSBORNE de Bolebec.
They had the following children:
M i WALTER Giffard
BAUDOUIN IV de Flandre [Parents] "O Barbudo" was born about 980 in Flandre, Belgica. He died in 1035 in Flandre, Belgica. He married OTGIVA von Luxemburg about 1011.
Other marriages:da Normandia, ELEANOR
Descende Carlos Magno.
OTGIVA von Luxemburg died about 1025 in Flandre, Belgica. She married BAUDOUIN IV de Flandre about 1011.
Descende Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i BAOUDOUIN V de Flandre
ARNAUD II de Flandre [Parents] was born in 961 in Flandre, Belgica. He married ROZAL SUZANNE di Toscana.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
ROZAL SUZANNE di Toscana [Parents] was born in 937 in Toscana, Itália. She died in 1003 in Flandre, Belgica. She married ARNAUD II de Flandre.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i BAUDOUIN IV de Flandre
BAUDOUIN III de Flandre [Parents] was born in 940 in Flandre, Belgica. He died in 962. He married MATHILDE Billung.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
MATHILDE Billung [Parents] was born about 940 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. She died on 28 Nov 1008 in Eenham, Alemanha. She married BAUDOUIN III de Flandre.
Other marriages:von Eenham, GODEFRED
They had the following children:
M i ARNAUD II de Flandre
HERMANN Billung [Parents] was born about 906 in Billungen, Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He died on 27 Mar 973 in Quedlinburg, Saxônia, Alemanha. He married HILDEGARDE von Westerburg.
Hermann Billung foi escolhido como Markgraf da Saxônia pelo Kaiser Otto I (936), recebendo uma Marca entre a Limes Saxoniae e o rio Peene. Combateu contra tribos eslavas dos Redarianos, Abotridas e Wagrians. Fundou o Monastério de São Miguel e faleceu em Quedlinburg. Casou-se duas vezes, na segunda com Hidelgarde von Westerbourg. (fonte: wikipedia.org)
HILDEGARDE von Westerburg was born about 910 in Alemanha. She married HERMANN Billung.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i BERNHARD I Billung F ii SUANAHILD Billung F iii MATHILDE Billung
BILLUNG von Stubenskorn [Parents] was born about 895 in Alemanha. He died on 26 May 967 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married ERMENGARDE de Nantes.
ERMENGARDE de Nantes [Parents] was born about 895 in Nantes, França. She married BILLUNG von Stubenskorn.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
They had the following children:
M i HERMANN Billung
WICHMANN von Germaine [Parents] was born about 835 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He died in 880 in Sachsen (Saxônia), Alemanha. He married IMMINHIL von Germaine.
IMMINHIL von Germaine was born about 835 in Alemanha. She married WICHMANN von Germaine.
They had the following children:
M i ATHELBERT von Germaine