BERNARD PLANTEVELUE de Aquitaine [Parents] was born in 841 in Toulose, Languedoc, França. He died in 886 in Aquitânia, França. He married ERMENGARDE de Chalon.
Foi Duque da Aquitânia.
ERMENGARDE de Chalon was born in 850. She died in 881 in Aquitânia, França. She married BERNARD PLANTEVELUE de Aquitaine.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i GUILLAUME I d'Aquitaine
GORM da Dinamarca [Parents] was born about 905 in Dinamarca. He died about 957 in Jelling, Vejle, Dinamarca. He married THYRA Danebod.
Gorm, o Velho (Jelling *935) foi um chefe dinamaquês que depois tornou-se rei na Jutlândia. Antigamente ele era visto erroneamente como o primeiro rei da Dinamarca. Ele ergueu as Pedras de Jelling em memória à sua esposa, Thyra Danebod. Nota: O site não cita a filiação de Gorm.
THYRA Danebod was born about 905 in Dinamarca. She died about 935 in Jelling, Vejle, Dinamarca. She married GORM da Dinamarca.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i Rei da Dinamarca HARALD III da Dinamarca
EGILOF von Germaine was born about 680 in Alemanha.
Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i HADO von Wormsgau
HILDOUIN III de Ponthieu [Parents] was born in 944 in Ponthieu, Ain, França. He died in 981 in Ponthieu, Ain, França. He married HERSENDE de France.
Descende de Carlos Magno.
HERSENDE de France was born in 946. She died in Ponthieu, Ain, França. She married HILDOUIN III de Ponthieu.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i HILDOUIN de Bréteuil M ii HUGUES de Ponthieu
Rei da Dinamarca HARDEKNUD da Dinamarca was born about 885 in Dinamarca. He died in 948 in Staelland, Dinamarca.
Hardeknud (+948), mais conhecido como Canuto I da Dinamarca, foi um chefe viking que derrubou o rei suéco Sygtrigg, filho de Gnupa, em 917. Todavia, a conquista não foi definitiva, já que Gnupa continuou governando parte da Dinamarca.
He had the following children:
M i GORM da Dinamarca
HADO von Wormsgau [Parents] was born about 705 in Alemanha. He married GERMIUDE von Germaine.
Senhor em Wormsgau e Lobdengau
GERMIUDE von Germaine was born about 705 in Alemanha. She married HADO von Wormsgau.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i GEROLD von Anglachau
NEBI von Germaine [Parents] was born about 715 in Alemanha. He died in 747 in Alemanha.
Foi Herzog na Alemanha.
He had the following children:
F i IMMA von Germaine
HUCHING von Germaine [Parents] was born about 685 in Alemanha. He married HERESVINDA von Hesbaye.
Foi Herzog na Alemanha.
HERESVINDA von Hesbaye [Parents] was born about 690 in Alemanha. She married HUCHING von Germaine.
They had the following children:
M i NEBI von Germaine
GALINDO II Aznar [Parents] was born about 815 in Reino de Navarro, Espanha. He married GULDEGRUT de Aragão.
Conde de Aragão.
GULDEGRUT de Aragão was born about 820 in Reino de Aragão, Espanha. She married GALINDO II Aznar.
Fim de Linha.
They had the following children:
M i AZNAR II Sanchez
GALINDO de Aragão was born about 765 in Espanha.
Conde de Aragão. Fim de Linha.
He had the following children:
M i AZNAR I Galindes F ii NNN Galindes